Getting old!

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Getting old!

Post by tiernan » Sat Oct 29, 2011 8:50 pm

There was a time I use to be down with the happenings of kayaking videos. Cold nights in a sleeping bag, huddled around a laptop in your student house (the central heating turned off to save up for Merry Kerry) watching Tommy Hillike on Lunch Video Magazine rip the shit (ye... not that old).

I take my eye off the ball for one second... can anyone explain WTF this is!
Screen grab from


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Re: Getting old!

Post by davepierse » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:11 pm

Its something called the Brown Claw, or maybe the Bear Claw, or maybe just The Brown.

Its very annoying when your watching the vid. How dare they include their in-jokes in a for public consumption video.

That said, their new vid just makes you want to go boating really really badly.

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Re: Getting old!

Post by Sarah » Sat Oct 29, 2011 9:56 pm

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Re: Getting old!

Post by tiernan » Sat Oct 29, 2011 10:33 pm

Ahhhh so "the brown" is just a PC word for saying shit. That's post-911 America for ya.

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Re: Getting old!

Post by caz » Sun Oct 30, 2011 12:56 pm

I remember I had to ask the 13 year old in my club about that LOL

Bah better in my day etc etc

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Re: Getting old!

Post by tiernan » Sun Oct 30, 2011 4:36 pm

we should see if we can get our own irish version to catch on!!!

theblack.jpg (75.74KiB)Viewed 35657 times

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Re: Getting old!

Post by leeroydoherty » Sun Oct 30, 2011 6:49 pm

its from borat when he is staying at the feminist house and comes down stairs with the bag of shite :D lol

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Re: Getting old!

Post by canned » Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:21 pm

Tiernan, I love you for putting up this post! How did you miss this!? You've made me 5 years younger!

I have to say though I do find it kind of annoying. Some of the videos it's been in has just made me dislike the personalities. In saying that, they're just a bunch of lads having a mess that happen to be being watched by pretty much every whitewater lover out there. Also, pretty incredible boaters.

Another annoying term you may have noticed them using is "stouts" - and they don't mean Guinness.

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Re: Getting old!

Post by tiernan » Mon Oct 31, 2011 5:36 pm

Nah I didn't miss it, i've noticed it lots while doing my current discipline of kayaking... e-kayak surfing!

I always thought it was like something to do with a sticky hole (on a river), i've seen that used as the hand signal before - they flog the shit... i mean brown... out of it in this most recent video, and then saw that video some irish lad put up here paddling on the glens and he was doing it. I tried asking around and no one i knew, knew what it meant, but they're all old cantankerous fuckers too so its no wonder!

I think its kinda funny, especially after watching borat again to see the scene in question ... r_embedded[/video]

But like its been done to death so is becoming progressively less and less funny - unfortunately i'm not in Ireland at the moment, but if i saw someone doing it on the glens, annamoe or whatever, i'd probably punch them (and recommend that everyone else does too)!

feel free to start doing "the black" on irish rivers tho - it will generate Obama/Queen-Visiting-Ireland type advertisement for the economy!

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Re: Getting old!

Post by Seanie » Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:30 pm

In short Tiernan is saying:
Get off my lawn!! (And it gives a new twist to the title of this thread) :D

Joined:Tue Jul 03, 2007 6:37 pm

Re: Getting old!

Post by tiernan » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:21 am

I wish i had a lawn... :(

*kicks wall in apartment*

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Re: Getting old!

Post by EoinH » Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:54 pm

Tiernan, I don't think those guys even know what that signal means. They should apologise for confusing you. I've seen them using it all sorts of situations and it's clearly been taken out of context. I say this because as all and sundry know that is my signal for overhanging trees. One of them must have seen me using it and thought it was cool. Someone should tell them...and as for their use of the word stout...that's just plain silly. Everyone knows stout is black. Not brown. ;)

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