Thanks to Joe, Andy, Keith and Lir Canoe Club we have a brand new river gauge.
This on its own is a huge addition to the gauges, but there is even more good news!! There should be at least 1 if not 2 more new gauges going live in the Dublin region over the next few weeks, stay tuned.
Also Daithi Mike and Moe have been doing some great work to the design of the Gauge units. Incorporating some great technical advances (using GSM units) which aid with the stability and robustness of the design. But also adding new features like trigger levels, which up date the graphs on IWW when a river goes past a certain level. These changes have yet to be implemented, but its coming

Once again a big thank you to all those involved, the amount of time and effort ye have put in is greatly appreciated.
We'll figure out the runnable and high levels over the next few weeks, please leave your feedback/observations here.
All the best,